Our Services

These are some of the many services we perform. Feel free to inquire about anything not listed here:


  • Need help on deciding what are the best options for setting up a computing environment or maybe purchasing some new software and need a professional opinion? Contact us.

Internet Setup and Networking

  • Do you need some help networking your office or home? Let us assist you. From sharing inter office files and printers to Network Security. In these times data security is a necessity. Make sure you secure your network correctly to avoid any dangers that await on the internet.

System Installation

  • Installing a system can be a pain most of the time. Why not let us do it for you? Enjoy some peace of mind and let us do it for you quickly and correctly.

Troubleshooting and Repair

  • Lets face it, computers are strange creatures. Sometimes they just stop working, for a known or unknown reason. Bottom line, computer down time costs time and money. Let our trained technicians troubleshoot, repair and service your Windows based workstations and servers.

Virus and Spyware Removal


  • Is your system running sluggish lately? You probably have acquired some spyware or even viruses along the way. Don’t be afraid; just let us cure your computer. You will be surprised what a difference in performance you will notice after your computer is cleaned of all of those pesky intruders.